Mindfulness counselling articles
Easily Ground Yourself Through The Day with Mindfulness
A great way to practice mindfulness is to check in with yourself through the day.
Support for stress and strong emotions:
Being more grounded and present can help in many ways. It can help to stop us being so reactive to triggers, it can also help us to be more aware of our emotions, and more able to process them rather than repress them.
Try these simple tools for mindfulness
Mindfulness and meditation practices seem like a really good idea, but who has the time, and where do you start? Here are some supportive tools for mindfulness to start or develop your practice!
Discover how to find Mindfulness in daily life
Often, even if we have a regular mindfulness practice, we can find daily life so busy and stressful that we leave that state of present moment awareness far behind.
The Value of Loving Kindness In Counselling
Mindfulness allows us to be present with our experience, as people, as therapists and as clients. It allows us to bring difficult material to the surface.
What is mindfulness? Why is it useful?
The human mind likes labels and definitions, so I have gathered some of my favourite answers to the question what is mindfulness from people who have delved deeply into mindfulness and meditation.
Mindfulness In Counselling Can Transform your Life
There are many benefits to using mindfulness in counselling. Mindfulness is a cornerstone of Hakomi psychotherapy, and is fundamental to how I work.
Somatic Therapy Research
A simple question. Does Somatic (meaning the felt sense of the body) therapy work? Has somatic therapy been researched and can it be scientifically shown to work?
Mindfulness Therapy Research: The facts are friendly
Evidence based therapies are all the rage nowadays and it is important to know whether a particular modality has been researched effectively.
Do I need to be ill to have “therapy”?
Therapy is about developing better life skills, learning to deal with the difficult emotions we all suffer from, and becoming more able to find lasting peace and happiness.